Thursday, September 7, 2017

10 Most Popular Cat Breed in America!

Most Popular Cat Breed in America!

Top Ten Most Popular Cat Breeds
By []Jim T Hunter

There are forty one recognized cat breeds according to the Cat Fanciers' Association, the world's largest registry of pedigree cats. The different cat breeds have a multitude of varying characteristics but all make great pets in the appropriate home. While this isn't necessarily a list of the best breed of cat, below are the ten most popular cat breeds in America in 2008 according to the Cat Fanciers' Association.

Persian - Persians are a large cat breed. The Persian has a svelte body type and a long coat which requires an extensive amount of pet grooming. Persians' activity level is low relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively easy cats to handle and quiet.
  Exotic Shorthair - Exotic Shorthairs are a large cat breed. The Exotic Shorthair has a cobby body type and a short coat which requires an average amount of grooming. Exotic Shorthairs' activity level is low relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively easy to handle and quiet.
  Maine Coon - Maine Coons are an x-large cat breed. The Maine Coon has a moderate body type and a long coat which requires an average amount of pet grooming. Maine Coons' activity level is average relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively easy cats to handle and quiet.
  Siamese - The Siamese is a medium cat breed. It has a svelte body type and a short coat which requires a minimal amount of grooming. The Siamese's activity level is very high relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively difficult cats to handle and very vocal.
  Abyssinian - Abyssinians are a small cat breed. The Abyssinian has a slender body type and a short coat which requires a below average amount of pet grooming. Abyssinians' activity level is very high. They are known to be relatively difficult cats to handle but relatively quiet.
  Ragdoll - Ragdolls are a large cat breed. The Ragdoll has a moderate body type and a long coat which requires an above average amount of grooming. Ragdolls' activity level is fairly low relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively easy cats to handle and quiet.
  Sphynx - The Sphynx is a medium cat breed. It has a moderate body type and a short coat which requires an average amount of pet grooming. The Sphynx activity level is high relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively easy cats to handle but vocal talkers.
  American Shorthair - American Shorthairs are a large cat breed. The American Shorthair has a semi-cobby body type and a short coat which requires a below average amount of grooming. American Shorthairs' activity level is fairly low. They are known to be relatively average cats to handle and quiet.
  Birman - Birmans are a large cat breed. The Birman has a moderate body type and a long coat which requires an average amount of pet grooming. Birmans' activity level is fairly low. They are known to be relatively easy cats to handle and quiet.
  Oriental - Orientals are a small cat breed. The Oriental has a svelte body type and a short or medium length coat which requires a minimal or below average amount of grooming. Oriental Shorthairs' activity level is very high relative to other cats. They are known to be relatively difficult cats to handle and very vocal talkers.
While this isn't necessarily a list of the []best breed of cat, hopefully you will find this article on the popular cat breeds helpful.

For a fairly comprehensive list, you can visit: []pedigree cats.

Jim Hunter is the Chief Operating Officer of

Article Source: [] Top Ten Most Popular Cat Breeds

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Couple Toilet!

Couple Toilet! To me It's just a craziest thing. But many can love this love toilet! Go to your nearest shop and buy a set now.. and start loving during.. lol
Dediated to those who love each other madly. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Stunning Vatican City Inside View and The Renaissance Architecture of the Holy See

Vatican City (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano) is the world’s smallest country, the temporal seat of the Pope, head of the worldwide Catholic Church; Got independence from Italy, entirely surrounded by the city of Rome, in Italy.
Vatican City facts are its total land area is 0.44 km2 and Vatican City population is around 840. The Holy See serves as the central point of reference for the Catholic Church everywhere. It’s inside view is one of the greatest view of modern architecture. We tried to present very little in this video.